So happy!

I am just ecstatic that the weekend is finally here!!

Today I am not taking a lunch and leaving work early to take my daughter to the doctor for her well baby :)

I'm going to have them look at her ears to because she grabs them at nights, but she hasn't seemed sick, so I haven't worried about it.

Tonight I need to do my quiz for Marriage and Family. Tomorrow I have a Parenting Workshop in the morning (it's for my parenting scholarship at school). No I am not a bad parent; it is just part of my requirements to keeping up with my scholarship, gpa and taking full time hours. Just part of the package deal. Tomorrow they are doing to discuss couponing, which is kind of funny because I'm a HUGE coupon-er! I mean I get the BEST deals, like FREE (or close to free) stuff all the time! So maybe I could teach my classmate a little bit about saving money, who knows?

After my session tomorrow I am taking my hubby and sweet little girl the aquarium!! That is my hubster's birthday presetn, he requested that we go as a family to the aquarium or the zoo. Too cold for the zoo, so the aquarium it is!!! I can't wait. Look forward to some awesome pictures ya'll!!

This weekend I will read for all of my classes, and I am going to study for an exam that I have on Monday, and get caught up with all of my reading :)

And of course... play with my sweet Harper, read stories and share sweet moments!!

Happy Weekend Ya'll!!!

-Gabi from Savannah, TX

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